Perspective Map: Color Issue for added Points

Hello There,

I am working on map where is I have successfully added the different points fetching it from Database. I am going through this Manual Page (Perspective Map - Adding GeoJSON Shapes - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation) of adding points for reference. But the issue is my Pointers are not added with "Blue" color. All are in "Black" color.
What is wrong I am doing here?
Attaching SS for reference.

It looks OK to me (but is hard to read). Can you post a section of the resulting JSON for one of the points?

Tip: post formatted code - not pictures of code. We would have to type out your script to test it.

Here is the code.


`  ` `"type"` `: ` `"Feature"` `,`

`  ` `"properties"` `: {},`

`  ` `"geometry"` `: {`

`    ` `"type"` `: ` `"Point"` `,`

`    ` `"coordinates"` `: [`

`      ` `-` `121.16945743560791` `,`

`      ` `38.6632293081453`

`    ` `]`

`  ` `},`

`  ` `"marker"` `: {`

`    ` `"icon"` `: {`

`      ` `"color"` `: ` `"blue"` `,`

`      ` `"size"` `: {`

`        ` `"width"` `: ` `100` `,`

`        ` `"height"` `: ` `100`

`      ` `},`

`      ` `"path"` `: ` `"material/location_on"`

`    ` `},`

`    ` `"tooltip"` `: {`

`      ` `"content"` `: {`

`        ` `"text"` `: ` `"Some text"`

`      ` `}`

`    ` `}`

`  ` `}`


It appears that you have just copied and pasted the sample code from Perspective Map - Adding GeoJSON Shapes - Ignition User Manual 8.1 - Ignition Documentation into your answer above. We need to see the result of your script.

Please preview the code / JSON to check that it is formatted correctly before hitting reply. (The JSON in your last post is a mess.)

It seems the example isnt working anymore, idk what has changed

instead of using color, you can use style fill though

"style": {
  "fill": "blue"

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Thanks victordcq!! it worked!!

Would it be a good idea to set both fill and color in case something gets "fixed" in a later version? I'd ask support for clarification.