Perspective Map locations from db with markerColors based on db values

Hi, I'm buliding a demo for a traffic-monitoring app for a customer.

I have set up a simple db with Events, EventType and EventLocations

I want lat and long coordinates from EventLocations to display on a map with different colored markers based on the severity of the event

1 = Green, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Red.

I have implemented this in other parts of my apps like so:

So, going back to the map idea. I'm starting by trying to get this working for all EventLocations, and will be doing the filtereing per day after the fact.

I have made this Named Query:
SELECT AS eventId, e.eventName, e.eventTimestamp, e.location, l.latitude, l.longitude, AS typeId
JOIN KANUF_Locations l ON = l.event_id
JOIN KANUF_EventType et ON e.eventType =

From what i can find in some of the resources here, the correct way to do this is to create custom properties on the map component -

  • one to hold the events (e.g eventLocations)
  • and one to hold the markers (e.g eventMarkers)

then, doing a property binding from map.props.layers.ui.marker to the custom prop:


I assume then i could do a query binding with a transform to populate the eventLocations custom prop with a dataset or list of json objects?

I've tried this, but i keep getting a component error. Suspecting something is wrong with my syntax.

Anyone here attempted something similar and can share some insight?


Would you like to share how? (You were asking us to!)

Absolutely. I will. Just want to figure out the filtering first so i can post the whole solution and make sure it's working as expected! :slight_smile:

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main view - displaying colored markers on the map

Data source:
I created a named query (GetAllEventLocations) to fetch event data with location, type, and details.

Marker setup:
Using the solution from this forum post

I defined a marker template (eventMarker) with position, color, popup, and tooltip properties. Each marker’s color corresponds to the event type:

Green - for no accident.
Yellow - for near accident.
Red - for accidents.

Transform script:
In the Map.props.layers.ui.marker binding, I used a transform script to iterate over event data, creating color-coded markers. Popups were initially disabled to keep the map clean on load.

def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):

    import system
    logger = system.util.getLogger("MAPLOGGER")"Starting transform script for map markers.")

    # Function to recursively copy the eventMarker template without modifying the original
    def recursiveCopy(original):
        from copy import deepcopy
        from import AbstractMutableJythonMap, AbstractMutableJythonSequence

        if isinstance(original, AbstractMutableJythonMap):
            return {key: recursiveCopy(value) for key, value in original.iteritems()}
        if isinstance(original, AbstractMutableJythonSequence):
            return [recursiveCopy(item) for item in original]
        return deepcopy(original)

    markers = []

    # Check if data was received
    if not value:
        logger.error("No data received from eventsDict. Check named query.")
        return markers"Data received from eventsDict: " + str(value))

    # Loop over each event in the eventsDict dataset
    for i, event in enumerate(value):"Processing event " + str(i) + ": " + str(event))

        # Start with a deep copy of the eventMarker to avoid modifying the original template
        protoMarker = recursiveCopy(self.custom.eventMarker)

        # Set the latitude and longitude for the marker based on event data, with defaults
        protoMarker['lat'] = event.get('latitude', 0)
        protoMarker['lng'] = event.get('longitude', 0)

        # Set tooltip text to the accident name, with a default
        protoMarker['tooltip']['content']['text'] = event.get('name', "Unknown Event")

        # Set popup content with accident details, using defaults if data is missing
        protoMarker['popup']['enabled'] = False  # Disable popup by default
        protoMarker['popup']['content']['text'] = "Accident Type: " + str(event.get('typeId', "N/A")) + " - " + event.get('name', "Unknown")

        # Set color based on typeId for different accident severity
        typeId = event.get("typeId", 0)
        if typeId == 1:
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#00FF00"  # Green for no accident
        elif typeId == 2:
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#FFFF00"  # Yellow for near accident
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#FF0000"  # Red for accident

        # Add the customized marker to the list of markers
        markers.append(protoMarker)"Marker created for event " + str(i))"Transform script completed with markers count: " + str(len(markers)))
    return markers

day-specific popup - filtering the events by date

Date-specific query:
I created a second query (GetLocationForSelectedEvent) to fetch events for a specific date using a selectedDate parameter.

Popup view (DayDetailsPopup):
I copied the map component with configurations to DayDetailsPopup, binding custom.eventsDict to the date-specific query with a transform script to get the json back and passing selectedDate as a parameter.

def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):

    filtered_events = []
    for event in value:
        # Only keep events with a typeId of 2 or higher (e.g., near accidents and accidents)
        if event.get("typeId", 0) >= 2:

            simplified_event = {
                "latitude": event.get("latitude"),
                "longitude": event.get("longitude"),
                "name": event.get("eventName"),
                "typeId": event.get("typeId")

    return filtered_events

I reused the same transform script to display the date-filtered events, maintaining the color-coding for consistency.

the results

The main map shows all events with color-coded markers. The DayDetailsPopup map shows only events for the selected date, with popups displayed only when markers are clicked.