Perspective Map locations from db with markerColors based on db values

main view - displaying colored markers on the map

Data source:
I created a named query (GetAllEventLocations) to fetch event data with location, type, and details.

Marker setup:
Using the solution from this forum post

I defined a marker template (eventMarker) with position, color, popup, and tooltip properties. Each marker’s color corresponds to the event type:

Green - for no accident.
Yellow - for near accident.
Red - for accidents.

Transform script:
In the Map.props.layers.ui.marker binding, I used a transform script to iterate over event data, creating color-coded markers. Popups were initially disabled to keep the map clean on load.

def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):

    import system
    logger = system.util.getLogger("MAPLOGGER")"Starting transform script for map markers.")

    # Function to recursively copy the eventMarker template without modifying the original
    def recursiveCopy(original):
        from copy import deepcopy
        from import AbstractMutableJythonMap, AbstractMutableJythonSequence

        if isinstance(original, AbstractMutableJythonMap):
            return {key: recursiveCopy(value) for key, value in original.iteritems()}
        if isinstance(original, AbstractMutableJythonSequence):
            return [recursiveCopy(item) for item in original]
        return deepcopy(original)

    markers = []

    # Check if data was received
    if not value:
        logger.error("No data received from eventsDict. Check named query.")
        return markers"Data received from eventsDict: " + str(value))

    # Loop over each event in the eventsDict dataset
    for i, event in enumerate(value):"Processing event " + str(i) + ": " + str(event))

        # Start with a deep copy of the eventMarker to avoid modifying the original template
        protoMarker = recursiveCopy(self.custom.eventMarker)

        # Set the latitude and longitude for the marker based on event data, with defaults
        protoMarker['lat'] = event.get('latitude', 0)
        protoMarker['lng'] = event.get('longitude', 0)

        # Set tooltip text to the accident name, with a default
        protoMarker['tooltip']['content']['text'] = event.get('name', "Unknown Event")

        # Set popup content with accident details, using defaults if data is missing
        protoMarker['popup']['enabled'] = False  # Disable popup by default
        protoMarker['popup']['content']['text'] = "Accident Type: " + str(event.get('typeId', "N/A")) + " - " + event.get('name', "Unknown")

        # Set color based on typeId for different accident severity
        typeId = event.get("typeId", 0)
        if typeId == 1:
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#00FF00"  # Green for no accident
        elif typeId == 2:
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#FFFF00"  # Yellow for near accident
            protoMarker['icon']['color'] = "#FF0000"  # Red for accident

        # Add the customized marker to the list of markers
        markers.append(protoMarker)"Marker created for event " + str(i))"Transform script completed with markers count: " + str(len(markers)))
    return markers

day-specific popup - filtering the events by date

Date-specific query:
I created a second query (GetLocationForSelectedEvent) to fetch events for a specific date using a selectedDate parameter.

Popup view (DayDetailsPopup):
I copied the map component with configurations to DayDetailsPopup, binding custom.eventsDict to the date-specific query with a transform script to get the json back and passing selectedDate as a parameter.

def transform(self, value, quality, timestamp):

    filtered_events = []
    for event in value:
        # Only keep events with a typeId of 2 or higher (e.g., near accidents and accidents)
        if event.get("typeId", 0) >= 2:

            simplified_event = {
                "latitude": event.get("latitude"),
                "longitude": event.get("longitude"),
                "name": event.get("eventName"),
                "typeId": event.get("typeId")

    return filtered_events

I reused the same transform script to display the date-filtered events, maintaining the color-coding for consistency.

the results

The main map shows all events with color-coded markers. The DayDetailsPopup map shows only events for the selected date, with popups displayed only when markers are clicked.