Perspective Map: make areas (polygons) hoverable & clickable?

Is it possible to make map polygons hoverable and clickable by the user? I want to create polygons that define areas on a map, and have the user be able to hover over the areas and have them change style, and also be able to click to go to that area.


Looks like this has been added :smiley:

Hi, apologies for replying to an old post.

Yes they did add an onVectorClick event, but so many other features, that markers have, are not available for Vectors.

Markers have a popup and view property which vectors don't have.

I want to be able to hover over a vector and get a popup so that people know what area they are looking at. I can't use the click event since that is for zooming in on the area.

Just curious if you were able to make this work?

I have the same question. I spent several hours trying to run a script on a geoJSON file for adding a tooltip and popup attributes to type: Feature….. type: Polygon, only to realize it wouldn’t work. Is this a function not supported by leaflet?

Anyone managed to crate event on hover ?
I can't figure out how to do :disappointed_relieved: