Perspective Menu Tree icon color not changing during Hover

I'm trying to build a Menu Tree that will change color on Hover event and I have this part resolved without a problem. The issue is that I want to change the color of my menu item icons to match the text of the item without hovering over the icon specifically.

Mouse hovering on menu item

Mouse hovering on icon of menu item

What should I be binding the navIcon and icon color values to in order for them to match the color of the item text while hovering?

I was able to achieve this using the advanced stylesheet by providing it with this CSS text:

.ia_menuTreeComponent__item:hover {
	color: red;
	fill: red;

.ia_menuTreeComponent__item__navIcon {
	fill: inherit;

.ia_menuTreeComponent__item__icon, .ia_menuTreeComponent__header__icon {
	fill: inherit;

That worked perfectly! Thank you!