Perspective power table dynamically change render view

Hello Team,
Can you confirm feasibility of we can pass dynamically render view based on condition?
Example we have table with different file extension. suppose file extension is pdf then table to 'view icon' render or if file extension is ppts then 'download icon 'render.
if feasible please help to how to do it?

"Power Table" is a Vision component. Perspective just has a "Table" component. Can you edit your question title to clarify?

Example we have table with different file extension. suppose file extension is pdf ...

PDFs are not tables. They are documents. Perspective has a PDF viewer.

... then table to 'view icon' render or if file extension is ppts then 'download icon 'render.

I can't make sense of this. Please edit to clarify. If you are trying to display PPT files in Ignition then there is no built-in component for that.