Perspective Push button Visibility based on Tag Value

I'm trying to get a push button to be visible for a Indirect Tag for P1...P5

NKWSD.P100.Mtr.Cntrl.MStrt = 50 then the Start and Stop PB is visible
NKWSD.P100.Mtr.Cntrl.MStrt = 100 then the Start and Stop PB is NOT Visible

However the Visible on the Meta tab does not have a why to set visibility based on a indirect tag value. In Vision there is a gui that allows you pick and set tag values.

It absolutely does, select the Tag option in the binding type. There is an option in there to make it an indirect binding.

Sorry maybe I was not clear.
The Indirect Tag I'm using for visibility is an Integer
The Visible attribute for the button is set to 1 when Indirect Tag Value = 50.

My scripting in perspective is not strong I'm not sure how to make this happen.

Pull the value of NKWSD.P100.Mtr.Cntrl.MStrt into a custom property on the root container of the view with an indirect binding, if you haven't already.

Make another custom property called showStartStop or similar. Add a binding to this property with an expression along the lines of {} = 50. Replace {} with the actual path to the custom property holding the value of NKWSD.P100.Mtr.Cntrl.MStrt

Then, bind your start and stop buttons' meta.visible property to the showStartStop property on the root container.

You've tagged the question as both Perspective and Vision. It seems to be Perspective only.