Perspective Report Viewer has Blocked State of ignition 8.0.16

Dear Support
I has problem Perspective Report Viewer has Blocked State
as attach file thread
MESPRODAPP_thread_dump20240129-1157.txt (318.5 KB)

Wrong place. Support is here:

You might get help here, but you'll need to be more explicit. There's no way I'm diving into a thread dump without even knowing what the problem is.

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Also, you're on a very old, explicitly unsupported version of Ignition. Consider upgrading as a first step. It's the first thing our support department will tell you to do as well.

If I upgrade to 8.0.17, will it work?
and If I upgrade to 8.1.36, will there be additional license costs?

Wrong placeTM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Sales is here:

No. From your thread dump, this is a bug that was being encountered by a few different customers, but appears to have been a Java bug, not an Ignition bug. One of the miscellaneous Ignition version upgrades that brought a new enough patch version of Java appears to have resolved it, because we stopped having customers report the issue, but it was being reported as recently as 8.1.17.

Yes, unless you already have upgrade protection. Talk to your sales rep.

Thank you for answer
and the future my sale department to take action.

Best regard