Perspective - ReportViewer Object Scale-to-Fit in View

I have a Perspective app with the Header and Docks.

In the Report View Page, I have a ReportViewer object and some Dropdowns and a TagBrowseTree. I'd like only the ReportViewer object to scale and make use of whatever the available space in the browser window and keep the correct ratio.

If I look at the root object in the Page I can change the default "mode" from "fixed" that has no scaling and has the page fixed at the top left, to "percent".

If I use the "percent" with the "aspectRatio" at "1:1", it is closer to what I want but it is centered with empty space on the sides. I'd rather it was anchored in the view at top left like "fixed".

Iā€™d also like to have only the ReportViewer Object Scale and leave the other objects like the Dropdowns and TagBrowseTree at their default size.


I ended up with a FlexContainer with the ReportViewer inside of it and then a nested FlexContainer with two CoordinateContainers for the Dropdowns and a separate one for the TagBrowseTree. I set the one with the Dropdowns and buttons to a mode of fixed so they're not stretched across the container.

Embrace the containers?

Imagine nesting flex containers, in a structure like this pseudocode:

flex(columns) {
	flex(rows) {

No coordinate container necessary. No worrying about aspect ratios. You can tweak the flex options on each container to change how things scale and use whitespace.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I believe I needed the original container to be rows and not columns.

Man, what a pain in the booty. Broke all my bindings, scripts, and couldn't figure out how to nest a container for quite some time. It'd be so much easier if you could move stuff around in the project browser.

It also resized all my buttons and dropdowns when I copied them into a nested coordinate container. I'm still confused as to whether you can have one container with columns and one with rows. It seems kind of finicky.

On top of all that the TagBrowseTree bounding box in designer is shown at the top left view of the page and not inside the container that it is in. I have no idea what that's about. It seems to work but it makes it really hard to move it. A number of times, objects and containers are shown in wrong locations in the designer and I click on something and it resets.

It's in a virtual machine and I'm fairly sure it's not Ignition but randomly, when I click on something the mouse gets stuck down and it moves stuff around before I realize what's going on and then of course the undo doesn't work so I have to go to close designer and hope I don't lose too much by restarting from the last save.

Any way to have the shrink property work when the mode is fixed in the coordinate container? When the container is too small, it'd rather have it shrink at that point rather than cut stuff off and have scroll bars.

Yes, a Flex Container set to row, which contains your Report Viewer, as well as a second Flex Container which is set to be columns. Even @PGriffith gets them swapped sometimes.

You can (Coordinate Container in fixed mode), but then you lose all of the ability to use responsive behaviors - which is what you're asking for.

Yes, you can. Each container has it's own settings which are applied to all of its children. This rule extends as you nest containers in container in containers.

This is a known issue which no one raised a fuss about except I've seen three separate posts this week alone. We know about it.

Nope. Coordinate Containers are very much WYSIWYG in that they don't have responsive behaviors.


This was in regards to not being able to use the contact browser tree and simply drag objects in front of or behind other objects or into containers. It's difficult to select containers and get stuff into containers and then it resizing objects pasted in them makes it a little difficult to work with.

I'm sure you guys have bigger fish to fry but it would be good to fix it as consistency is always nice and it helps with me not thinking I'm going crazy or have a corrupted application, like when the escape key almost never works or undo almost never works. I'm not sure if it's just my VM or just a bug or something else.

The cutting paste is complicated by the fact that the new object is not offset. When copy and paste or Ctrl+D doesn't work and you don't know it hasn't worked. When you go to move what you think is the new object and then realizing that it's not, you also then don't have an undo to put it back. I like it when there's a 10 unit offset to the right and down when you copy something, you know you just copied something and if you did want it in the same spot, I almost never do, you just use the alt arrow up and left. You can also just go once to the left and then down a couple of times. If you're copying a bunch of stuff over and over and if a drawing package wants to be really cool, it remembers the offset. So if still selected and you hit Ctrl+D again, it uses the same distance from the most recent copied object.