Perspective scripting authoring and updates

Is there a way to make it so when someone creates a script it automatically enters the username and date at the top of a script, and then if they update a script it will append the same?

Or is there a way to make it so changes to a project need to be reviewed by a designated user before they can be published? I know I can keep people from editing a project, but I don’t want to stop them I just want to be able to review/approve their changes.

As far as I know there is no way to have a script automatically make notes in it for you. It wouldn’t tell you exactly what changed but would limiting the roles that are allowed to publish the project do what your looking for?

Project Security in Designer and Gateway

I have thought about that, but I want to be able to limit it per project. I want to be able to assign an owner user/role to each project basically.

You could do that, in some respect - give each user a role specific to that project, and then configure the designer roles appropriately:

There’s no way to have a ‘pull request’ model for changes in Ignition, though (unfortunately). In general, the editing experience is something we’re looking at improving, but we don’t have too many concrete plans or timelines. If you have specific ideas, they’re a great fit for the ideas portal.

I have thought about that also, but it isn’t quite what I want since I can’t give a non owner the option to save but not publish within the project. Unless I am misunderstanding those relations within the project permissions?

This was why I was asking about possibly appending into scripts. Although a change journal for each project would be better actually. Does that exist? I couldn’t find anything.

Saving is publishing, in 8.0 - we removed the separate notions of staging and publishing. Some things that are definitely high on our list to add:

  1. A notification in the designer of who is actively editing, and what resources they are actively editing, within the project
  2. Some revamped notion of ‘staging vs publishing’ - possibly as a top level feature where two projects are separated as staging vs published, or as an automatic synchronization between ‘dev’ and ‘production’ gateways.
  3. Better VCS support - possibly specifically git, where you would actually get a proper changelog and support for indefinite rollback and history.

That’s what I thought. Thank you. Is there an ETA for those features?

Nothing that I’ll put on a public forum :smile:

Concurrent user notification (think Google docs) is already in progress, so probably fairly soon. The other two we need to do a lot more exploration around, so that we get it right the first time.

I would say, generally - don’t expect those to happen this year. So, if you’ve got an urgent business need, you’ll have to come up with your own workaround(s).

I understand thank you.