Perspective Single Sign On with AD

Hi ,

Greetings of the Day

I want to implement Single Sign On in Perspective .
I have Created AD for User& Roles , Iam able to fetch & See all the Users & Roles from the Active Directory .
Iam using Ignition IDP .

I would like to ask ,Does Single Sign on Work with Ignition IDP , if Yes , than can anyone Guide me for necessary configurations to be made .
If No , than how can I Implement it ,What Steps Should I be following .

Regards ,
Dhiren Gohil

It was disabled due to exploitable flaws in Microsoft's DLLs. There is an option for ignition.conf to enable it anyways, but that is strongly discouraged. Search this forum for it if you must.


If you want true SSO with Active Directory, you need a different IdP than Ignition's.

Ooo, missed that bit.