Perspective table, changing row color

I have added a “isAccountedFor” column in a table:

Using this script:

	table = self.getSibling("Table_0")
	accounted_badge_num = [B['Badge_Num'] for B in table]
	json_obj = []
	for V in value:
		py_dic = dict(V)
		if py_dic['BadgeNum'] in accounted_badge_num:
			py_dic['isAccountedFor'] = True
			py_dic['isAccountedFor'] = False

	return json_obj

How can I get the row count and single out the “isAccountedFor” == True for color change?
Should I add another transform or do it in this transform?

if you put the data in value you can add a style object too

instead of


somethingk like

	#table should not be here? you should not get data from the table props thou
	table = self.getSibling("Table_0")
	accounted_badge_num = [B['Badge_Num'] for B in table]
	json_obj = []
	for V in value:
		py_dic = {"value":dict(V)}
		if py_dic["value"]['BadgeNum'] in accounted_badge_num:
			py_dic["value"]['isAccountedFor'] = True
			py_dic["value"]['isAccountedFor'] = False

	return json_obj

hmm, i see. that helps alot. I am still trying to get the hang of everything.