Perspective Table Footer data

How do I get data into the perspective table footer? I'm trying to get the result shown below, taken from the provided link. But I can't figure out where to put the binding.

On the table,
enableFooterGroups : true

Then on footerGroups create two array elements.
On the first,
footerGroups.0.0.title : record(s) ← will be modified by binding.
footerGroups.0.0.span : 4 ← This field will span the first four columns.
footerGroups.0.1.title : total ← will be modified by binding.

Use the scripts in your linked post and modify to suit.

Tip: when posting screengrabs of bindings it's a big help when it includes the binding editor title bar as this shows the name of the component being edited. It would have helped you!

Hello Torsten,
here is a screenshot on what I did in order to sum values on footer:

I used an expression structure, one for "normal" values and another one if you filter values (maybe not the best solution but at that time it was the first time I used Ignition). I hope this can help you.

Thanks for the quick replies guys! And I agree, including the binding title would have saved me from posting. Here's my test: