Perspective table multiple subview parameters set

Hi All
I was trying to build a table with subview and utilize the multiple ‘subviewExpansionMode’. After configuring the parameters to load the subview, when I expand a subview the parameter populates just fine but when I leave one expanded and expand the second one, both of the subviews now have the same set of parameters as I’m passing only one set. Is there a way to pass through different set of parameters for different subviews?


Are you trying to dynamically change a parameter on a per row basis?

Subviews are used to dynamically show the table row column’s value. An example can be found here in our user manual. Displaying a SubView in a Table - Ignition User Manual 8.0 - Ignition Documentation

Note: that the value object has to be named “value” and the object properties are table’s column names.

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Thanks a lot, the trick was using the object ‘value’ and column names for the parameters