Perspective Table Selection Date Format Differs


I'm working with a table that has 2 date columns that I would like to use the selection data to filter further data. The problem I am having is that the table itself formats the date correctly:

However, when selecting this row, the date is changed to its string equivalent (Selection data prop):

I can't use this format directly in things like tag history queries. So is there a way to convert this string back to a standard "date" object, or force the selection to match the underlying data?


Include a row ID in your table, in a hidden column if necessary. Use that to access the correct row of the raw table data.

If going that route, wouldn't it make sense then to just reference the selected row number and use the data from the table at that row?

Yes, unless you are allowing multiple row selection. That only works with selection data.

True. Seems like an unnecessary workaround and the selection data should follow the formatting from the underlying data/column config. Thanks!

It is making a round trip to the browser, where the actual row selection happens. JSON is not perfectly reversible for some types.