I am Using Ignition Version 8.1.20. I have created an app that display work order data from a database that I am connected to... essentially I am pulling down about 100 records one time per day and storing them in two tags as dataset data. I configured a table to display the data from the first tag, and then I created a subview that contains a 2nd table connected to a second tag with dataset data... The 2nd tag has some comments in it that the first doesn't ... so I am using the subview to filter these comments and displaying them when someone clicks the subview.
All of this worked great... until I added a script that iterates through the dataset, adds formatting to the rows based on the values (Back ground color essentially) , and then returns that same data merged with formatting as a JSON object and reassigns this to the props.data section of the table as the data source. The script I wrote for this works beautifully to format the table, however while this is active the subview will no longer pass the parameter to child form to display its data. I get an error message when this happens informing me that the filed I am looking up no longer exists.
With the table in this same format, I was able to use the event "OnSubviewExpand" to extract the same data that should be passing to the subform and pass it to a label or other control without a problem... but if I try to pass it to the value of the subview/viewParams I still get the same error message. I can remove my formatting and everything works fine, but the JSON formatted data doesn't want to work with the subview.
I have researched several work arounds...but so far nothing works.
Any suggestions ?