I have a script that worked until today. I thought maybe it was because of the number of pages in the table but I populated the table with a different larger date range, giving me a CSV with 45K rows from a table with hundreds of pages.
The range with the issue is only 21 pages but the script fails with this error.
line 13, in runAction TypeError: Unable to convert row 1, column 4 to type class java.lang.Long
The 4th column in the table is always a string so not sure what would cause this. The data is all very similar, regardless of the date range.
def runAction(self, event):
# root > table-flex > body > table
table = self.parent.parent.getChild("Table")
# create a list of columns that are selected by user
colsToKeep = [col["field"] for col in table.props.columns if col["visible"]]
data = []
for el in table.props.data:
rowData = [el[col] for col in colsToKeep if col in el]
newCsv = system.dataset.toCSV(system.dataset.toDataSet(colsToKeep, data))
# Get the date from DateTimeInput_Start component
raw_date = self.parent.parent.getChild("FlexContainer_Date_Range").getChild("DateTimeInput_Start").props.value
# Convert the raw_date to a formatted string
formatted_date = system.date.format(system.date.parse(raw_date), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
# Replace characters in formatted_date to make it filename-friendly
filename_date = formatted_date.replace(":", "-").replace(" ", "_")
# Create the filename
filename = "Azure_Export_" + filename_date + ".csv"
# Trigger the download
system.perspective.download(filename, newCsv)
Good to know, the error always says row 1 so I was thinking it was not zero-based. The fifth column is a value. Most always a float but a few are Integers or Boolean.
I tried filtering the range by a few different types in the second column and the script worked every time.
Perhaps you should show the first several rows of your data.
Keep in mind that system.dataset.toDataSet() determines the column types of the output dataset from the first row of the input. If anything changes type after the first row, breakage is likely.
I'm still testing but even if I leave the range the same and only update the table from the Azure DB it will randomly work. It looks like all the same values or rows are there each time but in a different order. The error message will change the row number it has the error on. So just the order of rows in the table seems to cause the error. But the table always seems ok.
This still sounds like python duck typing is getting in the way.
As an example, say you have a first row where a column value is 1.3, the script will then use float as the column type, if in a following row that column has a value of 0 you’ll get an error because it would be trying to insert an integer into a float column.
Look into the Dataset Builder as @pturmel suggests.
I was able to update the make CSV function to work where the original did not. The script now checks for int, float, and long types and casts them to float. Seems to work so far.
def runAction(self, event):
# root > table-flex > body > table
table = self.parent.parent.getChild("Table")
# Create a list of columns that are selected by user
colsToKeep = [col["field"] for col in table.props.columns if col["visible"]]
# Prepare data for dataset
data = []
for el in table.props.data:
rowData = []
for col in colsToKeep:
value = el.get(col)
if isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): # Ensure all numeric types are consistent
value = float(value)
# Create the dataset manually
newDataSet = system.dataset.toDataSet(colsToKeep, data)
newCsv = system.dataset.toCSV(newDataSet)
# Get the date from DateTimeInput_Start component
raw_date = self.parent.parent.getChild("FlexContainer_Date_Range").getChild("DateTimeInput_Start").props.value
# Convert the raw_date to a formatted string
formatted_date = system.date.format(system.date.parse(raw_date), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
# Replace characters in formatted_date to make it filename-friendly
filename_date = formatted_date.replace(":", "-").replace(" ", "_")
# Create the filename
filename = "Azure_Export_" + filename_date + ".csv"
# Trigger the download
system.perspective.download(filename, newCsv)