Hi All,
Ive looked at a few other posts, and i cant seem to find anything quite similar.
I am upgrading a Vision project into perspective and I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to build pages and views that can vary in their respective content. Specifically, differing tag paths once inside the tag folder and some items are also not available on some sites.
I am passing the the site “root” tag path from the browser and we are building out the remaining tag path with Indirect Tag binding, perhaps with a few other parameters.
What i am finding is that our sites are built fairly similar, but not all sites are using the sae Tagpath for the same on screen element, and therefore descriptions change, units, etc.
Is there a design principle i am missing where I can choose what tag goes on screens with ease and without processing at the GUI level with visibilities etc.?
Ive thought of making views that are of same type which i can swap out when navigating with some parameter . However then i am left with some of the content on the additional screens would need to be directed from Meter 1 to Meter 4 on certain sites only (as an example)
its late , and I hope I’m clear enough and I can show screenshots for clarity,
Trying to make a simple system rather than pass parameters until the day is long. I already notice sometimes a screen refresh is required to get the right data in. (might be a different issue)