I'm trying to plot some queried data in Perspective. My query works on tables just fine:
The script for this:
def updateTable(self):
queryBase = "SELECT top 1000 t_stamp AS 'Dates'"\
",floatvalue AS 'Value'"\
" FROM sqlt_data_1_2023_08 "\
"WHERE tagid='286'"
queryText = queryBase + " ORDER BY t_stamp DESC"
self.props.data = data
I tried to get this data into a timeseries chart with a nearly identical script:
def getData(self):
queryBase = "SELECT top 1000 t_stamp AS 'Dates'"\
",floatvalue AS 'Value'"\
" FROM sqlt_data_1_2023_08 "\
"WHERE tagid='286'"
queryText = queryBase + " ORDER BY t_stamp DESC"
self.props.series[0].data = data
The data shows up:
However, the chart just says component error. Is there something else I need to configure? Is there a way that I can trace what's causing the error?