Perspective - time Series Chart - real time on x-axis design

I am working on perspective - time series chart with the goal of displaying two tags' history from current time to past 8 hours. I have tag history binding of both these tags in the series:

The property editor section looks like:

My concern is that the x-axis shows range from only current time to 1-2 seconds in past (right to left). I want to edit it so that it shows past 8 hours worth of tag history in the graph with respect to current/present time.

How can I achieve this? Please guide on what can be done, and if I am using wrong component please help me figure out which would be the right chart for this purpose. the chart should not be interactive, its purpose is just to display last 8 hours worth of data for 2 tags.

I would really appreciate any help! thank you!

First step: examine the datasets returned by your bindings. (Click on the dataset viewer icon beside the Dataset size information.) Check to see if you're getting back the expected data.

A couple of observations:

  • You are polling every second for eight hours and have 28,800 results.
    • Is there going to be history for every second? If not, then change the period to the same rate as you recorded it.
    • You are polling a 28,800 result set query every second. This is probably not a good idea. I would imagine that having an 8-hour chart update once a minute would be more than adequate.

thank you for responding!

I checked the dataset returned by the binding and confirmed it to be what I was expecting.
I was polling every second for 1 hour time period and recently switched to 8 hour time period. I would change the poll time to 1 minute as suggested. Thank you for pointing this out. Also, yes the history of these tags are recorded every second.

thank you for this!