1.Under Query Binding see the Return Format is “auto” where you configure your named querie for chart.
2. TimeSeriesChart - delate the ‘0’ Object under plots and add again
Jordan, I’m using Microsoft SQL. You were right, I was doing the binding in the wrong location.I did the binding in the ‘data’ of the series and it worked well… =)
I have a table with the same data, but my first column (Date Time) is showing values instead of the dates… Do you know how to set that column to show Date Time instead of values?..
Try Putting your t_stamp1 first in your query....For Example:
alltable.t_stamp1 as t_stamp1,
alltable.InductTotal As Total_count,
alltable.singlecarrier_count as singlecarrier_count,
alltable.doublecarrier_count as doublecarrier_count
From alltable
Where (alltable.t_stamp Between:starttime and :endttime)) basa