Perspective workstation update and refresh button

Hi everyone,

I’m currently in the testing phase of perspective workstation. However I seem to have encountered a few issues/missing functionality:

  1. The version update prompt redirects to a part of the ignition server (x.x.x.x:8088/web/workstation) that immediately shows a 404 error. The download version on the normal download page is also still v1.1.0
  2. I can’t seem to find a refresh button for the times a view doesn’t completely or incorrectly loads

Could you post a screenshot of the prompt you're referring to?

There is no refresh button, just like there are no "back" or "forward" buttons. Navigation and the ability to refresh when necessary are the responsibility of the project designer while using Workstation.

this is the update prompt that comes up when opening a perspective application

That link is currently being fixed with some other workstation launcher enhancements. It should be in the nightly in the coming days but basically just needs to lead to /web/perspective-workstation instead of /web/workstation