Hey all,
I’m trying to modify the tooltip for a column/bar series on an XY Chart in perspective.
The XY Chart has a couple different series (one bar, one line), as shown below.
I’d like to be able to have the tooltip for the bar show both the {valueY} for the bar series as well as the {valueY} for the line series, so something like:
Outfeed: 10,102
Target: 10,500
However, looking at the amChart documentation and the Ignition Perspective documentation, I can’t find any examples of a syntax that would make this possible. Has anyone found success doing this (or anything similar)? Here’s the existing tooltip.text string, for reference:
[bold]{dateX.formatDate('h a')}: [/]{valueY}
I’m particularly interested in doing this because, if it’s possible, I’d be able to add more columns to my source dataset, add them as hidden (not visible) series on the XY Chart, and reference them in my tooltip to create a “meatier” tooltip that displays more information to the user.