Pespective webpage change to phone sms interface and auto fill the info

I have seen some app that when you type some sms message and select some recipients, then click 'bulk Send', it will automatically change to the phone sms app and fill up the sms mesaage body and recipients using the info from the app.

So it can using your phone number to send out the sms instead of using another number to bulk send, Twilio has bulk send function but by using twilio number, when the recipient reply, it will only reply to the send number which is a twilio number, it breaks the interaction between you/tech support and the clients.

Is it something achievable from Ignition?

You can use a custom, manually created URL navigation action that uses the SMS "protocol" to do this, as in this post:

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Thanks. I will give it a try today.

I am new to the href link to buttons in ignition.

I tried to following:

  1. create a button.
  2. create a script on the button click action.
strUrl = '<a href="sms://open?addresses=+11122222,+1122222222?&body=Message%20Line%201%E2%80%A8Message%20Line%202">Send SMS to multi #s</a>'
system.perspective.navigate(url= strUrl)
  1. open this perspective project from phone webpage.
  2. click the button.
  3. new page shown up:
Bad Message 400
reason: Ambiguous URI empty segment

Is it something wrong with the href string or I should use other way to call the href?

just found this ignition doc

I tried sending to one address using the following url, it's working.

system.perspective.navigate(url= "sms:+1-999-999-9999?&body=My%20Message")

the bulk send url I tried is also working.

system.perspective.navigate(url= "sms:+1-999-999-9999,+1-999-999-8888?&body=My%20Message")

I am using samsung phone for testing.

For iphone, change to the following format for bulk SMS.

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