Hi Forum,
How do i display both value and percent in the pie chart legend?
I want in this format:
- Planned Downtime 14.3%, 58 hours
- Unplanned Downtime 35.3, 118 hours
- Up Time 50.4%, 135 hours
How do i display both value and percent in the pie chart legend?
I want in this format:
Turn off the legend and add a table. You will be able to format that any way you want and get the columns to line up with right-aligned numerical values. This will be much more readable.
Planned Downtime 14.3%, 58 hours
Unplanned Downtime 35.3, 118 hours
Up Time 50.4%, 135 hours
Planned Downtime 14.3% 58 hours
Unplanned Downtime 35.3% 118 hours
Up Time 50.4% 135 hours
(Why is your screen grab 90% white space?)
I am quite shure he means to add a Table component next to your piechart and bind the data to the pie Chart data and transforming it into the columns and formation you want it to... if you want to have it within your pieChart component you can make a quite awkward workaround by manipulating your label to include one of the values you want tho show and add the other one as "normal" value. Would not recomment that...
Yes, use a Table Component beneath the Pie Chart component.