Pipe Animation Issues in Perspective

Wanted to see if anyone on the forums had any great tips doe making pipe animations in perspective any less painful. We have a large project right now and are "programming on the fly" with field changed happening rapidly. This causes a lot of issues with pipe fill animation bindings. If we make any changes (ie adding or deleting pipes in the pipe array) Perspective automatically shifts the bindings around causing the engineer to have to retag basically the whole screen. I know IA knows of this bug, but has anyone come up with a work around here with any scripting or export of the pipe config and manipulation outside of the designer? Would love to hear any other options. Inductive I would really like to see some progress on some of the bugs with the pipe tool in perspective. The fact that the bindings still don't update on the first try when you copy/paste and change them is also a huge bug that needs to be addressed.

Thanks for any tips or tricks you all know of.

Would also be very interested in hearing if anyone knows a way to lock the fill binding to the original array item it is assigned to.

This bug was fixed recently. What version are you using?

Really? That's great news! We are on 8.1.42. Was this fixed in 8.1.43? I checked the release notes and did not see anything in .42 or .43 talking about this bug.

Bug is still present on 8.1.45 unfortunately.

Deleted my other post after realizing it probably doesn't apply.
It's definitely not a performant solution, and hopeful someone can come up with a more elegant solution, but...
If you were to assign a meaningful name to each pipe..
Wondering if you could create a custom property on your coordinate container, an expression structure binding which contains a tag binding to every value you want to trigger an animation on, followed by a script transform which assigns a new fill color to every pipe - by name.
Any time any of the tags change in value, the script transform would run and reassign fill colors to every pipe as defined in your script.

We were actually able to accomplish this with naming each pipe a number that corresponds with the BOOL array value from the PLC. We read that bool array in ignition as DINT arrays and use a script transform to extract the bit indices that are high and set the pipe stroke color accordingly. Very efficient as it requires the one binding to a custom view property.

In this example you can see I have 3 different custom properties since this view requires 3 different tags for the pipe fill:

Still much to be desired in the pipe tool, but this makes things SO much better when it comes to animation.