PopUp panel filtering properties on other Perspective view


I got a Popup panel with checkboxes I would like to use to filter my main table dataset.

But when I try to reach it properties I cann´t as in propertiews panel I can´t get out of my current view

What would be a way to do this so I can have a filtering panel.

Maybe use an accordiom instead.

Use message handlers.

  • On each checkbox on the popup create an onActionPerformed event. Use system.perspective.sendMessage | Ignition User Manual to send a message to the other view.
  • On the root of the other view create, right-click, Configure Scripts ..., and Add Handler ... You can have this write to custom properties to hold the status of the checkboxes on the popup.
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Consider using multiselect dropdowns instead.

Now you don't need a popup and the user can see what has been selected.

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