Hello IA,
While learning about system.tag.query
I found a possible error in the docstring.
I copied this from the pop-up
provider: String
Name of the tag provider to query.
query: PyObject
A dictionary of query parameters.
limit: Integer
Maximum size of the result set.
continuation: String
Sets the continuation point in order to continue a query that was previously started and then limited.
But when I run the following code, nothing is returned:
provider = "TagProvider"
continuation = "sometag"
system.tag.query(provider, continuation=continuation)
Compared to:
provider = "TagProvider"
continuation = "sometag"
system.tag.query(provider, continuationPoint=continuation)
[{u'fullPath': [TagProvider]Path/To/TagWithError, u'formatString': u'#,##0.##', u'hasChildren': False, u'dataType': Boolean, u'quality': Error_Configuration("Server "Ignition OPC-UA Server" does not exist."), u'name': u'TagWithError', u'tagType': AtomicTag, u'attributes': [alarm], u'valueSource': u'opc', u'value': [null, Error_Configuration("Server "Ignition OPC-UA Server" does not exist."), Fri Jul 29 15:58:06 PDT 2022 (1659135486177)]}, ...}]
Also, in the docs you don’t seem to agree with yourselves between the signature and the argument name, as well as the Type.
In the docs you say continuation
is of type Integer
while the docstring in the Designer it says String
system.tag.query(provider, query, [limit], [continuationPoint])
- Parameters
- Integer continuation- The Tag ID of a previously returned continuation point, to continue the associated query from that point [optional]
Which is it?
a. continuationPoint String
b. continuationPoint Integer
c. continuation String
d. continuation Integer