This forum is for 3rd party developers who have created modules for Ignition. If you have developed a module for Ignition and would like to share it please feel free to post it here.
In order to post, you’ll need to be a member of the Module Developer’s forum group. If you are not a member, please email us at to be added.
In general, please post one thread per module, with the first post containing pertinent information & download links. When new versions are available, edit your first post, and then post another message to the thread with change details. This way, people who are interested in your module can subscribe to the thread in order to be notified about updates.
If you are an end-user using a module and would like to provide feedback, please do so in the Module Discussion forum.
What are 3rd party modules?
Ignition provides an SDK that can be used to extend functionality and provide new features by anyone (well, anyone that knows Java!). To learn more and get started, sign up for the Developer Program. The program and SDK are completely free.