Power Chart Feature Request

Ideas for some improvements to the power chart from my initial usage.

1 - Some event action that can be configured to save the current configuration so that an authorised user can modify the chart defaults.

2 - Ability to resize the different docks, if not in runtime, at least in the designer.

3 - Ability to hide plots, or make plot not draw when all tags in that plot are hidden.

4 - Export and email (this might be possible already with scripting but I’m not sure how this could be done)

5 - Ability to rename plots and show name of plot on chart.

6 - Allow tag filtering, so you could filter to something like processValue or motorCurrent

7 - Auto Range to selected pens

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Some more ideas:
8 - Ability to add a default pen so the user doesn’t have to change every pen to have it how they would like.

8.1 - some kind of pen binding setup would be great, so that a binding of some sort could be applied to pens when they are added. For example being able to set the pen name to the tag description when it is added.

9 - Ability to restrict runtime access to features. For example disabling the tag browser or certain pen settings.

10 - This might be a bug, but when you have a pen open to edit and click the edit button on another pen, it doesn’t update the various fields. Clicking done will apply the settings of the previous pen to the pen that was selected after.

11 - More default pen colours would be ideal.

In brief the powerChart has pen and plot bindings which you can utilize. These are accessible lists. When you add a pen or plot in the designer you can see the structure in the props section. Below is a more detailed explanation to get you 80-90% down the road.

1 - The Configuration of pens and plots can be saved as a list of dictionaries. This can be accomplished by saving the values into SQL on a button action and read back this list onStartup of the root container.
2 - Agree
3 - For Tags
This can be accomplished by utilizing the props.pens[].enabled
For Plots
Utilize external calls to modify the props.plots by removing the plot from the list. Make sure to save a default list to reload.
Disabling all the tags with that plot number does hide the plot

4 - Export function already works. Recommend users email after.

5 - Ability to rename plots and show name of plot on chart.

6 - This can be done with the enable paramater of each tag. Having an external list to have users select from

7 - Auto Range to selected pens
This happens automatically when the pen is disabled. Changing visibility is the built in checkmark on the chart.

8 - Agree, it would be nice to get access to the tagAdd() function from the built in button. However, you can maintain this externally with your own list of tags. From item 1

8.1 There is a pen binding. You need to return a list of pen dictionaries though.


10 - No Comment

11 - you can maintain your own list of colors.
This is accessible props.pens[][‘styles’][‘normal’][‘fill’][‘color’]

Below is the structure of a pen. this can be created in script. I configured my script to scan a UDT for historical tags and display them together.

This is one pen you would need to generate 1 of these per tag and put them in a list

“name”: “Display Name”,
“visible”: true,
“enabled”: false,
“selectable”: true,
“axis”: “”,
“plot”: 2,
“display”: {
“type”: “line”,
“interpolation”: “curveLinear”,
“breakLine”: true,
“radius”: 3,
“styles”: {
“normal”: {
“stroke”: {
“color”: “#e6194b”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 0.8,
“dashArray”: 0
“fill”: {
“color”: “#e6194b”,
“opacity”: 0.8
“highlighted”: {
“stroke”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 1,
“dashArray”: 0
“fill”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“opacity”: 1
“selected”: {
“stroke”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 1,
“dashArray”: 0
“fill”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“opacity”: 1
“muted”: {
“stroke”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“width”: 1,
“opacity”: 0.4,
“dashArray”: 0
“fill”: {
“color”: “#63BEA2”,
“opacity”: 0.4
“data”: {
“source”: “”: “”

Structure for a plot as an item of a list as well.
“relativeWeight”: 1,
“color”: “#FFFFFF”,
“markers”: [],
“style”: {
“classes”: “”


Good to see that some of these features are possible already, although making it more accessible would be ideal.

Does anyone have an example of number 1? 1 - The Configuration of pens and plots can be saved as a list of dictionaries. This can be accomplished by saving the values into SQL on a button action and read back this list onStartup of the root container. Would love to see how it is done. Thanks,