How can i remove the option for the user to delete pens? I want to use the power chart for the user to look at pre-defined trends(tags) , be able to select which one to view but not to delete them. Doing so seems to remove it forever from the chart and then one need to add it again . So in run mode i want no option of deleting the pens i have set up
You can either implement you're own selector and a custom chart using Tag History Queries and Bindings, or you can edit the styles of those to remove them from view.
.delete-pen-icon,.edit-pen-icon {
#ia_powerChartComponent__chartOptionBar__popupMenu__menuItem__delete,#ia_powerChartComponent__chartOptionBar__popupMenu__menuItem__edit {
The classes are for the icons on the row, the Id overrides are for the popup menu when you have a certain screen width that pops up for the power chart.
I've found the Time Series Chart to be better option for predefined trends, I'd suggest using that if you don't need users to edit pens.
That is a good lead. Are then thinking of using the Sparkline Display? Doesn't it only show one tag at the time? I need have the option to show 1+++ tags. If this is not the case please do guide me to where to start looking to make in the way you have described.
I am trying to look at the last suggestion you mentioned. I am not so well known is the removing things by scripting so if you have a start guide where to look at of doing this would also by helpful.
I will check that one out:) thanks, didn't think of that one. I am guesting i can do the same thing as mentioned here and also look at live data as well?