When using the power chart, it can take more than 15 seconds for data to load. Also when filtering down to real rime or historical ranges, it takes longer.
Is there a setting or a way to implement a CSS icon to detect when data is not present and then we can show the icon?
Update: I have the loading icon displaying in the designer. For my power chart I am using the historian provider which uses a DB and links my datasets to tags for selection in the power chart.
Is there a way to detect if the power chart has been loaded? Could I use the tag path in my pen tool? Would that offer a solution?
Hey, I actually read your post, I'm experiencing the same delay with the power chart loading, It seemed appropriate to add a loading icon for the users, so there aware that data is loading and the page isn't broken.
I am currently working on a solution where we can use the perspective property change script to detect if data is null or false.
I am using a table historian in my power chart; I'm still trying to figure out which prop will hold the data in the power chart.
There isn't one. The power chart does its own queries for tag data. The property change technique only works on chart types where you are providing the data yourself.
(FWIW, I've stopped using the Power Chart--it is painful to use with anything but trivial quantities of data.)
Is there a way I can access an event script on the apply button in the power chart? So that I'm able to display loading icon even for few seconds when clicked.
The power chart does its own queries for tag data. The property change technique only works on chart types where you are providing the data yourself.
Also regarding the tag data, I am providing the data, my pen dataset comes from my database which is created with the DB Table Historian provider.
Not sure if this what you meant by providing the data yourself.
Is there any way to access that pen data? or create historian bindings from the DB table historian provider? or is there a solution you think that may work?
I found a small solution which is where I can use the property change script on a few properties in the config section such as changing the dates and the mode.
I found a solution in terms of user experience and UI.
In the config prop of power chart there a number of settings that can detect changes the user makes. I used a property change script on these and added a delayed timer for the loading icon.