Good evening, I would like to know if the ignition perspective can be connected to an ESP32, if so, can you tell me how to do it, thank you.
"eps32" or "ESP32"? Your question title and post don't match.
Brand, model and link to datasheet may help.
I've done it before using a modbus library, its been many years so i don't have anything handy. If you can describe more of what you are trying to accomplish you may get more to chime in.
I have a project at university, it's a coil winder. They ask me to make a mobile app from ignition and the data entered (number of turns, wire gauge, etc.) can be sent to the machine's HMI screen and it works. I was thinking of using an ESP32 that would be the intermediary between ignition and the machine. Or I don't know if anyone has a better idea... thanks.
What actually runs the coil winder? The ESP32?
Modbus is the easiest route, MQTT is also pretty straight forward. Espressif has a ton of Modbus examples that are easy to follow.
Yes, the ESP32
On the ignition page there is this image but I can't find information on how to do it... does anyone know?
Perspective's bluetooth support is in only in the mobile app and only for things like bluetooth beacons.
It's not going to work as a field bus. You need to investigate implementing Modbus or something like that on your ESP32.
But do you know where I can find information to read more about it? I've searched on ignition but I can't find any article that says what it says in the image... Bluetooth connection
Because such an article doesn't exist. Ignition cannot make bluetooth connections.
It can identify bluetooth tags under limited conditions, with help from the Ignition mobile app.
If an Ignition gateway has a bluetooth radio that can present that bluetooth device as a serial port, Ignition can probably connect that way, but the articles are all about using a serial port. The bluetooth part would be outside Ignition's scope.
You need to study that device's ability to respond to Modbus, and construct whatever infrastructure you need for that outside Ignition.
{ FWIW, this task is, fundamentally, what is called "systems integration". Taking disparate devices (systems) that cannot talk directly to each other and filling in the technological middle. The ESP32 appears to have WiFi support, so the best answer may not be bluetooth at all.}
I tried to communicate with Arduino, ESP8826 and ESP32 within the Maker edition. I connected the Arduino using a serial line (USB connection). I connected the ESP using WIFI, the MQTT library, the MQTT distributor module and the MQTT Engine module. Next I tested modbus on ESP32 and it worked too. I think this source from Ignition Exchange (Ignition Exchange | Inductive Automation) can be used as inspiration.
I have two systems running at home connecting to Maker edition. Both actually using ESP8266, the predecessor to ESP32. For all intents and purposes they work the same.
One system is using Modbus (Arduino modbus library, Ignition Modbus driver). It is controlling ventilation fans in my equipment shed.
The other system is solar powered, don't have enough power there to keep Wifi powered up, so it uses UDP driver. It wakes itself up every 15 minutes just long enough to send off a UDP packet, then goes back to sleep. It is reporting temperatures and humidities in my woodshed.