Power Table columns tied to a separate named query

Greetings, I’m working on a project for my finance department. Currently every manager in my facility has to submit their budget request, by month, for the entire year. I’ve made a SQL table that has an autonumber as the primary key and then just a generic string of “201801” “201802” etc. for corresponding months to submit. We additionally have generic accounts that they budget these to such as “Office Expense” “Research” “Maintenance” etc. that I’ve also created a SQL table for. Ideally, I’m thinking I would want a power table, and have the first column be a list from the “Accounts” sql table that just lists all the accounts and have the following columns be the values from the months table so that it would look something like this:

My thought is that a manager can submit their requested budget to each of these accounts, by month, in the power table and when they make changes it’s just wrote back to a sql log that I’ll call again in another power table to show them what they request, what’s been approved, and of course later on, what’s been actually spent.

My question is is it possible to do this with powertable or should I use something else?

You could do it that way I believe. I run a slightly similar operation, but for machine downtime instead. Basically, the operator has a drop down menu to chose the downtime category, this could be your account separator, in tandem with a description field. This could be your budget requested field. Then they submit the downtime with a button script, logging the start and end times which you probably don’t need. The submission puts the info into a database with an unapproved flag. This db table is bound to a power table that is filtered to show only non-approved downtime. From there the manager can approve or disapprove the entries by simply updating the approved/unapproved flag by selecting the rows you want to be changed to approved. You could have another power table that is filtered for the entries that are approved to keep the data grouped together. I’m sure there are other ways that maybe better, but this is just an example to help your decision process.