Power Table Filter Custom Filters Not Touch Screen Friendly


Some time back I wrote a post giving some limitations that I perceived with the way that Ignition handles Touch Screen Inputs…

I have begun a new project and decided that Ignition 8 was old enough now to utilize.

Sadly, while I haven’t exhaustively gone through the post recently, I haven’t seen anything that I reported in that post addressed in version 8.

Now I have one thing that I know I reported in that post and something I may or may not have reported dealing with the custom filtering capabilities on the Power table…

  1. The ICON is WAY TOO SMALL! I can’t reliably press it with my fingers.
  2. I can’t seem to figure out how to make the icon stay visible
  3. When you get to a point where you have to key in data, NO ON SCREEN KEYBOARD!

So, instead of being able to use the capabilities built into the power table component to do very powerful filtering on the data, I have to add extra fields to me screen, and do extra custom scripting in order to push the entered values into the custom filters.

I have tried in the past to programatically turn on and off the on screen keyboard, and had issues getting it to work reliably, so that option is out.

Thank you,
Bill S.

BTW: Let me weigh in on the “Ignition OPC-UA Server” to “Ignition OPC UA Server” change… WHY??? Working for an integrator, I regularly set up a NEW Ignition instance and import in my standard Data Types, NONE of which WORKED Thank you very MUCH!