Power table with SQL binding gives red overlay

Why the power table with an SQL query (polled) turns red some times (short periods)?
the SQL server is active and responding properly.


Open the client’s diagnostic window (from the help menu) and look for errors in the console that might explain it.

{ Added the “vision” tag to the topic for you. }

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The vision component overlays are explained here:

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The console looks empty, even having the red in the table it remains empty

if I check “run diagnostic” in the table I get this, but with no more details. The weird thing is that the query is pretty simple and the data is properly showed in the table.


Uh-oh. You have a binding on the component name. Don’t do that.


Your designer diagnostics is saying the query used to populate your data is fine. But apparently you have a database query determining the name of your component, and that query seems to be messing up.

However, I would ask why are you doing that in the first place? Changing the name of a component will surely only mess up any scripts you have, and I don’t know how expressions would work with a component who’s name is changing.

It was a mistake binding of the name … thanks!