Preventing Conflicts in Power Table Across Multiple Ignition Vision Clients

I am using a Power table to display test results from a database. I have the power table linked to a query tag. The query itself is linked to multiple other tags to filter the data accordingly. The problem I am having is when one client window makes a change to the filters and updates the table, it updates other open windows too which makes sense because the tags just got updated. How do I solve this problem where any changes on one window doesn't transfer to other client windows?

It seems to me that the current behaviour is the correct behaviour. Why do the other clients need to display stale data?

When you need independence amount multiple clients, don't use tags.

Just use custom properties in your UI. If you need shared information across multiple windows, you might use Vision Client Tags.


It is a correct, but I want different users to be able to filter the data according to their needs and see it. For example, two different users might want to see data for two different stations and so on.

Sure...but why tags at all, then?

The whole point of tags (excluding Vision Client Tags, which are a special unicorn) is that they're globally scoped resources.

Can I tie the component's value directly to the query?

I realize tags aren't way to go, but I needed to store the filters data and transfer it to the query, how would you recommend doing it?

Use a named query binding (preferred):

Or, if you aren't able to, use a SQL query binding, but you'll have to enable a less-safe option in your project's permissions:

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Do you actually need to store the filter's data or you just need help to find a way to retrieve them when they're not a tag?
What do you need to happen when you open your window?
A)See the latest selected filter parameters independently of which client chose them?
B)See the latest filter values that only this particular client chose?
C)Or is it fine for you to open the window and see that the filters are the default values for each field?

I just need to retrieve the filter's data, and its fine when I open the window the filters are default value.


Then the easiest way is like they mentioned above, to do the exact same thing you're doing with your tags but instead of tags you point each expression/value to it's corresponding parameter on your window.