Print the current screen to gateway

a perspective page is developed nicely to show the train status, I want to add this page to the report.

ideally, I want to generate a daily report, but I don't think ignition gateway is capable to render this page somewhere on the gateway and print it out as a jpg file.
So i am thinking about letting the operator clicking a button on this page, then a screenshot of the page can be generated using the following script:

self.parent.requestPrint("component", "ImageTitleHere")

but the problem is that this is to print to a client local printer.
Is there any way the screenshot can be saved as JPG, then save to gateway, so I can insert it to a report template?

Or better way is: whether ignition gateway can render a view and print it out directly on the gateway?

I don't think ignition gateway is capable to render this page somewhere on the gateway and print it out as a jpg file.

Correct. Perspective pages are rendered by a browser.

Or better way is: whether ignition gateway can render a view and print it out directly on the gateway?

I think you mean "print it out from the gateway" - and presumably to the local printer.

The right way to do this would be to create a report with the correct paper size, etc. Browser printouts can be too wide, etc., for a single page and it gets messy. However, it may be your simplest solution.

You don't mention whether you're using a web browser or the Perspective application. If you're using a browser there are many browser extensions that will give you a Print Screen button and I imagine that these could be configured to use a local printer and - if you find the right one - ensure that it scales to fit the page width.

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