Printing a number of copies

In the system.print.createPrintJob function, it seems I can pass most arguments to the job that can also be set in the printer dialog.

However, I don’t seem able to set the number of copies. I want to calculate the number of boxes based on the weight, and then print the same sheet for every box produced to accompany it.

Is there some way I can achieve this? java.awt.print.PrinterJob does seem to have such a function available. Can I get in from the Ignition printerjob to the awt printer job, or is there some other base class used?

Printing the sheets in a loop seems tedious, as I want to also provide an option for when the default printer is offline, so they can select a different printer. If I loop, I either can’t pass the number of copies, or I get a huge number of print dialogs.

This example prints 4 copies only showing the dialog once.

printJob = system.print.createPrintJob(self.parent.getComponent('Power Table'))

# Stop printing if user pressed cancel!
if printJob..getPrinterName():


	for i in range(3):

I’m curious if this works:

printJob = system.print.createPrintJob(self.parent.getComponent('Power Table'))
printJob.copies = 4

AttributeError: 'com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.scr' object has no attribute 'copies'

Womp womp.

Just realized my previous post doesn’t work as expected :slight_smile:

This code does however. The example prints a power table component. You might need to modify a little to print something else.

	from javax.swing.JTable import PrintMode
	from javax.print.attribute import HashPrintRequestAttributeSet
	from javax.print.attribute.standard import Copies
	from java.awt.print import PrinterJob
	printable = self.parent.getComponent('Power Table').getTable().getPrintable(PrintMode.FIT_WIDTH, None, None)
	job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob()
	aset = HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
	job.printDialog(aset) # Or just job.print(aset) to print without the dialog.


Apparently, getting the printable of a different component is a bit harder, but we can (ab)use some code prepared by IA:

Apart from that, you always need to execute print() after printDialog(), as printDialog only seems to modify the aset, and return True when the user chose to print.

Then I added some other options, like the possibility to select a default printer, and changing the orientation.

from javax.swing.JTable import PrintMode
from javax.print.attribute import HashPrintRequestAttributeSet
from javax.print.attribute.standard import Copies
from java.awt.print import PrinterJob
from javax.print.attribute.standard import OrientationRequested

from com.inductiveautomation.factorypmi.application.script.builtin.PrintUtilities import ComponentPrinter

printable = ComponentPrinter(event.source.parent.getComponent('Container'), True, 1)

job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob()

aset = HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();

services = job.lookupPrintServices()

print [s.getName() for s in services] # find the correct service in the list to select a printer


if job.printDialog(aset):

Thanks for all the help :+1:


Not on my system, this did send the print job to the printer selected :slight_smile:

No problem :thumbsup: