web page reste en starting
What web page?
- Your Ignition gateway home page?
- A page from an Ignition Perspective application?
Post a screen shot showing the URL and the error message.
la page web de ignition reste en starting démarre pas
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Depuis combien de temps la page Gateway signale-t-elle qu'elle redémarre ? Avez-vous essayé de redémarrer la machine sur laquelle la passerelle est installée ?
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How long has the Gateway Page been reporting that it is restarting? Have you tried rebooting the machine that the gateway is installed on?
c'est la page de ignition le URL qui fini par : 8088 qui rete bloquer en starting
yes I restart the server but the problem persists
I assume that it was running fine previously, what event led up to the Gateway service being restarted?
yes everything works properly before . there was a high temperature in the server room and then restarted the server since it was in default but then the web page remains does not block starting it displays on the page (ignition starting)
You will need to review the wrapper.log
file for detailed information in cases like this. More than likely some file was corrupted by the overheat situation.
Can you guide me to check the wrapper.logdossier please?
perfect problem solved corrupted file thank you very much