Problem with Active Directory and validationUser

I was trying to apply a login with in the Script console with the Active Directory userSource, is it possible not ?, Because I put the username, password and UserSource but the return is false, I understand that if It returns false is because some credential is wrong but from what the client told me those are the credentials. What if I am interested in knowing if it is possible to use that command to log in from an active directory

Which version of Ignition are you using?

Are you able to login with the same user source and same user credentials from the Gateway Web Interface > Config > Users, Roles > Verify a User Source tool?

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thanks,I did’t remember this.I was using 7.9.12.Other Question , is possible change the tag “RoleString” of System --> Client --> User ?

I do not believe so. That tag represents the roles that the current user has. Only way it changes is if you switch users.