I have a problem trying to edit input components with any type of variable
I want to modify an integer with a 'Input Numeric Text Field'. When I try to do it (Preview mode), the PC makes the typical sound like 'you do no have permission to make this change'.
I'm trying with memory tag and OPC TAG SIEMENS (Ex: [S7300Prueba1]DB7,I12) tag, both present same problem
I'm working on Windows11 with Ignition trial version
The variables are configured as:
-The Designer is 'Full read/write'
-The tag security settings are public for read and write
I have no problem when I change the value's tag from tag browser ... the problem ocurrs when I'm running the preview mode and I trying to change from the Input component
I'm sure is something easy but I can't see it . I'd appreciate your help