Problem with writing data to SQL


I have a problem with the historization of data into a PostgreSQL database. I have a PLC that shares data with Ignition via OPC. In Ignition I have a reference to this tag using tag reference and I have defined a history for this tag.

The data goes to the database is configured as a record using the group tag. At some point, the data stops updating, that is, in the OPC the data changes so the reference tag, which should write the data to the database because I defined a history on it, also changes. I keep getting the same value according to the defined time in the group tag.

I created a new history tag and the data is not saved on this history provider from this particular tag provider. From other providers the tags save. I have already tried restarting the whole Ignition system and the database but the problem is not solved. I'm afraid something has thrown off internally and I don't know how to diagnose or fix it. Sometimes I have been able to solve these problems with a reboot but this time it doesn't help....

Does anyone have any ideas I am grateful for any suggestions?


Hi Michal. Could you include some screenshots of all settings related to this issue? DB settings, tag hist. settings portion etc..

Make sure the date and time on that PLC is precisely correct. OPC requires this.

Dates and times were wrong all the time before this was not a problem. I corrected the date and time on the PLC the change also made the date and time update in the OPC however the chart are still jammed and I don't know what to do about it.

After changing the group tag in the tag managed to make them fall into the database the tag ID changed and the record is executed however the chart still jammed with no change....

Any idea?

No, sorry. You should contact support.

Ok, thanks