I am having problems using the function provided by @JordanCClark
The function was working nicely, but I do not know how to solve this:
I am trying to create a dataset from the sheet 1 of an excel document. What is more, I want to be the first row (headers in the converted dataset) the index number 9 in the image:
Therefore, I just modified inside the function the index of the sheet and the firstRow index:
sheet = wb.getSheetAt(1)
firstRow = 8
PS: I tried changing lastRow to i.e. 12 and it works.
PS2: It looks like the excel file has many blanks (please find attached an example of the document)
PS3: I have tried with other different formatted "large" excel (770 rows and 12 columns) and it works. Test.xlsx (281.4 KB)
The rows have differing numbers of columns and a huge amount of blank rows underneath. Once a cell is touched (for example a value put in, then erased, the cell stays touched).
I modified the script, adding options to select first/last rows and first/last columns