Problems launching MacOS clients

I thought we had moved beyond this:

(In case image doesn't work: " Designer” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software")

macs haha :laughing:

Yeah, it's only 1/3 of the operating systems running in the world - why bother with that?

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For those interested: go to settings, security and privacy, and you should be able to enable running of these clients.

Meh. It's worth bothering, but only so far:

If you're going to use a niche OS, why you'd choose the one with the annoying walled garden boggles my mind.

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What version was the Ignition Gateway you downloaded this launcher from?

The (very brief) research I did:

  • Windows: 68.15%

  • macOS: 31.34% (in the US) , 6% worldwide

  • Linux: 1.1% (desktop) , 3.08% overall

  • ChromeOS: 4.15%

So as per usual for us yanks, I was being US-centric.

I used the latest docker image I think in January of this year.

The link I posted also had current figures for the USA:

If you rebase those figures to just the four desktop OS's, you get 25.9% for OSX.

The point though, is that Apple puts up significant, ridiculous barriers to entry for Independent Software Vendors, making it difficult/impossible to have the latest software "Apple approved" in a timely fashion.

Which is what you are experiencing.

Hmm, the launchers should be notarized on macOS as of Ignition 8.1.16, which is what I thought that message you're seeing is about...

That’s what I thought too; but the fix is simple, if annoying.