We are using a Productivity 1000 P1-540 PLC and are trying to connect to Ignition via MODBUS TCP but we are having trouble with the proper Tag names. We can not figure out how to get the Designer to read the MODBUS tags from the PLC. We are going into SCADA and Ignition as a whole blindly and appreciate any helpful tips or walkthroughs that y'all can recommend for us.
Go through the Inductive University first. This will get you familiar with the basics of Ignition.
Secondly, besides these forums, the online documentation will be a huge help.
I'm not familiar with Productivity PLCs, but for Modbus, don't use the modbus mapping in the driver configuration, but use the manual addressing approach in Ignition:
Essentially, you'll have registers in Productivity, and you'll have to create OPC tags in Ignition to point to these registers based on the various data types.
All of our PLCs are click or productivity so I can try to guide you
Before following my instructions, try to read the links that Michael gave you, they will be really useful in the future. Especially this one:
If it is already connected to the ignition Gateway, you can try and create a random OPC tag in the Tag Browser just to run this test.
Then configurate the tag like this making sure that the data type of the OPC tag is correct:
OPC Server: Ignition OPC-UA Server (Hopefully you are using this one)
OPC Item Path: [NameOfTheDeviceConnection]HR1 (HR1 is equivalent to 40001)
We got it communicating! Thank y'all for the help! We were using some Float 32 and Discrete output data types that were causing problems for us.