Project doesn't run in Android webView Application

Hello everybody! I am new to the forum here, so please excuse if this isn’t the right category and/or place to post this question.

anyways, here is my issue…

I am trying to develop a simple android application to access an ignition project on a mobile device. I can access and run the project fine on any web browser such as chrome, firefox, etc, but when I try to access it with the application I have made, it just shows me some diagnostic info after launching the project. I have enabled javaScript and dom storage, and alot of other things that google has told me to do. Is there something obvious that I may be missing?

It will run through the loading and synching…

But once it launches, i just get this screen…

Your trying to build a Android app to run a perspective project? Why not just use the app that Inductive made for mobile project?

Thanks for the input. I have used the mobile perspective app, I was just hoping to put something together that could run in our own custom interface. It seems like it should just work with webView, but apparently that is not the case. Thanks.

I was able to get it working using flutter, and adding the webview_flutter dependency. Not too sure why it doesn’t work with the regular Android WebView.