Maybe this a perspective thing, but I'm trying to call a project script from the script console (also tried a button in a view) and get the error below.
my function call: project.test.scriptName()
NameError: name 'project' is not defined
How do I call a project script?
If you can't in perspective, where should I put things that will be reused in lots of places?
Now I’m getting the same thing, but from a gateway script. I’ve copied the exact script that was running on a tag, to a gateway timer event. I have the correct project set under gateway settings for scripts.
my gateway script: client = p1.srmCredentials.getClient()
the error:
... line 2, in getInfo NameError: global name 'project' is not defined
yes, it was at that originally, but then saw this thread and removed it. Let me try it back in because I think I might have had a case sensitivity issue too.