Project library

Please, Can someone tell me where I can find this ??
Client UI/Couleurs/DictionnaireDesCouleurs ???

That is a Vision Client Tag. You will need to be in Ignition's Vision workspace in that project, open the tag browser, and select the client tags provider.

Uploading: Capture d'écran 2024-10-04 144125.png…

Vous voulez dire ici ?

Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-10-04 144125

ici ? par ce que dans le dossier vision client luncher je ne vois rien !

No, in the designer, with focus on a Vision window or Template. Then open the designer's tag browser. Then change the tag provider at the top of the tag browser:

here is what I find, nothing about the colors , it seems to be the general configuration here
Uploading: Capture d'écran 2024-10-04 145826.png…

We(or at least I) can't see your image.

I believe you posted before the image upload finished.


ok juste a sec please

Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-10-04 145826

That is the System tags (look at the dropdown). Change that to Vision Client Tags like @pturmel 's post shows

I dont have client vision at the dropdown
Capture d'Ă©cran 2024-10-04 150640

You have to click on something in the Vision section of the project tree for that option to appear in the Tag Browser.


Have you opened a vision window or template like @pturmel asked?

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no I was on project library, I didn't kknew that there is a difference where you click !!! Thank you all

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They are called "workspaces". The Perspective module is very different from the Vision Module, which is very different from the global scripting and event editors, which is very different from the SFC subsystem, etc. Each subsystem provides/enables its own resources and tabs when working with it. (Panels will remember their state per workspace.)

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Vision Client tags aren't available outside of Vision Clients, so since transaction groups or Perspective sessions or other modules don't have them, they don't show up on your tag browser provider dropdown