Project Roles Empty But Unsuccessful Login

I have had an issue with a Vision Project where the it does not have any 'required roles' but is unable to login with just any role. Is there something I may be missing? Is this a known bug/issue that other have experienced?

Those aren't the login roles. Those are permissions for specific actions from within Vision itself.

Check the Project -> General -> Required Client Roles: Project Properties | Ignition User Manual


This also does not show any 'required client roles'.

Your user source: "Ignition Badge Authentication". Does the user you are trying to login to the client, belong to this user source?

Yes, the users are in the specified source and all users have a role assigned as well. It seems like it only will let an 'Administrator' role log in.


What type of Authentication Strategy do you have defined in Vision -> Login?

Can you post the error you are getting? That may help us narrow things down.

To clarify, are you talking about logging in to the Designer (to edit the project) or the Vision Client (for end users)?


Either way, you might try signing in to your gateway and taking a peek in here: